year by year history

1940The first handheld two-way radio called the "Handy Talkie" is created by Motorola for the U.S. Army Signal Control.
1941German Konrad Zuse finishes the Z3, a fully operational calculating machine.
1943ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), the first general-purpose electronic digital calculator begins to be constructed. This computer by most is considered to be the first electronic computer.
1943Dan Noble with Motorola designs a "Walkie Talkie" the first portable FM two-way radio that a backpack version that weighed 35 pounds.
1944The relay-based Harvard-IBM MARK I a large programmable-controlled calculating machine provides vital calculations for the U.S. Navy. Grace Hopper becomes its programmer.
1944The first binary, and partially programmable computer, Colossus, was created at Bletchley Park.
1945The Von Neumann Architecture is introduced in John von Neumann's report of the EDVAC.
1945The term bug as computer bug was termed by Grace Hopper when programming the MARK II.
1946F.C. Williams applies for a patent on his cathode-ray tube (CRT) storing device, an original form of random-access memory (RAM).
1946ENIAC computer completed.
1946Robert Metcalfe is born.
1947John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley invent the first transistor at the Bell Laboratories.
1947F.C. Williams memory system is now in working order.
1947ISO is founded.
1948IBM builds the SSEC (Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator). The computer contains 12,000 tubes.
1948Andrew Donald Booth creates magnetic drum memory, which is two inches long and two inches wide and capable of holding 10 bits per inch.
1948The 604 multiplying punch, based upon the vacuum tube technology, is produced by IBM.
1948The television begins to divert radio audiences.
1949Claude Shannon builds the first machine that plays chess at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1949The Harvard-MARK III, the first of the MARK machines to use an internally stored program and indirect addressing, goes into operations again under the direction of Howard Aiken.
1949The first computer company, Electronic Controls Company is founded by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the same individuals who helped create the ENIAC computer.
1949The EDSAC performs its first calculation on May 6, 1949.
1949The small-scale electronic machine (SSEM) is fully operational at Manchester University.
1949The Australian computer CSIRAC is first ran.
1950The first electronic computer is created in Japan by Hideo Yamachito.
1950The enhanced Z4 is installed by Konrad Suse
1950Steve Wozniak is born August 11, 1950.
1950Alan Turing publishes his paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence in October. This paper helps create the Turing Test.
1950The NICAD battery begins its commercial use.
1951The first business computer, the Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) is completed by T. Raymond Thompson, John Simmons and their team at Lyons Co.
1951The first commercial computer, the "First Ferranti MARK I" is now functional at Manchester University.
1951The first ISO is published with the title, "Standard reference temperature for industrial length measurement."
1951UNIVAC I was introduced.
1951The EDVAC begins performing basic tasks.
1951Dan Bricklin is born.
1952Fairly reliable working magnetic drum memories for use in computers begin to be sold by Andrew Donald Booth and his father.
1952RIAA is established.
1952Alexander Sandy Douglas created the first graphical computer game of Tic-Tac-Toe on a EDSAC known as "OXO."
1953IBM introduces the first IBM computer, the 701.
1953A magnetic memory smaller and faster than existing vacuum tube memories is built at MIT.
1953Paul Allen is born January 21, 1953.
1953The IBM 701 becomes available to the scientific community. A total of 19 are produced and sold.
1954IBM produces and markets the IBM 650. More than 1,800 of these computers are sold in an eight-year span
1954Larry Wall is born.
1954Alan Turing passes away June 7, 1954.
1954The first version of FORTRAN (formula translator) is published by IBM.
1954CERN is established on September 29, 1954.
1955Steve Jobs is born February 24, 1955
1955John McCarthy coins the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 1955 at Dartmouth University.
1955Dartmouth Colleges John McCarthy coins the term "artificial intelligence."
1955Tim Bernes-Lee is born June 8, 1955.
1955William (Bill) H. Gates is born October 28, 1955.
1955IBM introduces the first IBM 702.
1955Bell Labs introduces its first transistor computer. Transistors are faster, smaller and create less heat than traditional vacuum tubs, making these computers more reliable and efficient.
1955The ENIAC is turned off for the last time. Its estimated to have done more arithmetic than the entire human race had done prior to 1945.
1956On September 13, 1956 the IBM 305 RAMAC is the first computer to be shipped with a hard disk drive that contained 50 24-inch platters and was capable of storing 5 million characters and weighed a ton.
1957IBM announces it will no longer be using vacuum tubes and releases its first computer that had 2000 transistors.
1957Fairchild Semiconductor is founded by Andy Grove, Eugene Kleiner, Gordon Moore, Jerry Sanders, Robert Noyce.
1957Digital Equipment Corporation is founded by Kenneth Olsen. The company will later become a major network computer manufacturer.
1957Russia launches the first artificial satellite, named Sputnik on October 4, 1957.
1957In response to Sputnik the United States creates the new agency ARPA.
1957Casio is established.
1958The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is renamed to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
1958NEC builds its first computer the NEAC 1101.
1958William Higinbotham created the first video game called: Tennis for Two.
1958The programming language FORTRAN II is created. Later FORTRAN III is created but never released to the public.
1958President Eisenhowers Christmas address is the first voice transmission from a satellite.
1958The first integrated chip is first developed by Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor and Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments. The first microchip was demonstrated on September 12, 1958.
1959Hitachi is founded.
1959The Harvard-MARK I is turned off for the last time.
1959The Luna 2 becomes the first human made object to land on the moon on September 14, 1959.
1959Leonard Kleinrock starts to developing packetization.
1959Motorola produces the two-way, fully transistorized mobile radio.
1959Panasonic is founded.